Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Episode 6: Minecraft

This week's game is really taking it back in time. I'm using Minecraft, an open-world, free-roaming game where you can harvest and mine materials to build your own structures. The graphics are a tad bit old-school, but it's a fun game nevertheless.

I'm using the game to talk about the initial stages of our group devised piece. Working with Ely, Royce, Joyce and Siliang has been fun but sometimes I feel that what we've created sometimes doesn't head in the right direction. Nevertheless, I'm sure we can pull off an awesome performance at the end!

Also, the improvisation games that we played were very educational for me as I've always been interested in improv but never really knew what were the rules involved in the whole process. It was fun watching each other trying to outdo and trap ourselves into saying the "forbidden" words in every scene, but at the same, I felt that it went against the whole idea of "give and take" in improv. Anyways, here's my lesson plan for the week on improvisation!

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