Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Episode 3: Skyrim

This week I'm bringing to you the 2011 Game of the Year, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim! Now, the concept of Movement in theatre isn't very evident here but I'm using the game's free-roaming world and mobility as a metaphor for the importance of movement in theatre.

Learning about Labann's 8 Efforts was a very useful experience for me because it gives me, as a director, more tools to help my actors with characterisation. As you will hear in the video, Labann offers a means of shaping the character from outside in, and gives directors and actors a simple and understandable basis for reference when it comes to creating movement and character.

My lesson plan on movement can be found in last week's post, and another one, created by one of my proteges, about the actor's body and physicalisation of character can be found here.

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