Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Episode 4: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Now this week was a particularly enjoyable and insightful experience for me because we got to destroy the GCE 'O' Level Drama syllabus. It was interesting listening to the perspectives of my classmates because it made me realise that the problems in the syllabus document are pretty clear for all to see, even without any formal training in drama education.

To highlight the scale of destruction that we did to the syllabus, I'm using one of the newest First Person Shooter (FPS) games on the market. This is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and as you will see in the video, there's a whole lotta destruction going on.

For my lesson plan this week, I have another one created by my proteges on the use of voice in drama. The vocal warm-ups and exercises we tried out were titillating to say the least and I felt that my actors were quite chuffed at the names that they had as well.

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